Saints of the day

St. Ntalie with booka and lily
(7,87", )
182.40 Euro

St. Emma
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Claudius of Condat
(7,87", )
190.00 Euro

St. Francis Xavier
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Barbara
(5,91", )
103.50 Euro

St. Barbara gothic style
(11,81", )
295.00 Euro

St. Christian with book
(9,06", )
227.90 Euro

St. Christian with book
(9,84", )
264.00 Euro

St.Barbara with tower
(7,87", )
165.90 Euro

St. Barbara
(5,91", )
91.10 Euro

St. Barbara of Nicomedia with tower
(3,94", )
39.90 Euro

St. Christian with book
(4,72", )
70.20 Euro

St. Christian with book
(5,91", )
90.30 Euro

St. Nicholas with apples
(9,06", )
240.50 Euro

St. Nicholas with three apples
(9,84", )
264.00 Euro

St. Nicholas with apples
(4,72", )
70.20 Euro

St. Nicolas with apples
(5,91", )
98.70 Euro

St. Ambrose with beehive
(9,84", )
264.00 Euro

St. Ambrosius with beehive
(9,06", )
240.50 Euro

St. Amrose with beehive
(5,91", )
98.70 Euro

St. Ambrose
(7,87", )
199.00 Euro

St. Ambrosius with beehive
(4,72", )
70.20 Euro

St. Elfrida
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(4,72", )
55.70 Euro

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(3,15", )
44.00 Euro

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(2,56", )
27.50 Euro

St. Lucia with book and sword
(7,87", )
196.70 Euro

St. Lucia with book, pot of uguent and crosier
(7,87", )
170.10 Euro

St. Lucy
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Lucia with pot of unguent
(4,13", )
59.60 Euro

St. Lucy of Syracuse with eyes
(7,87", )
146.00 Euro

St. Odlie with eyes
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Jodokus
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Franziska Schervier with cross
(4,72", )
47.30 Euro

St. John of the Cross
(7,87", )
195.00 Euro

St. Adelaide with book and church
(7,87", )
196.70 Euro

St. Adeleid with book and church
(11,81", )
288.60 Euro

St. Adelheid
(7,87", )
195.00 Euro

St. Adelheid of Burgundy with chruch
(7,87", )
146.00 Euro

St. Eberhard
(4,72", )
92.00 Euro

St. Sturmius
(7,87", )
190.00 Euro

St. Francesca Xavier Cabrini
(7,87", )
143.20 Euro

St. Adam and Eve (group)
(11,81", )
559.00 Euro

St. Irma with book, church and crosier
(11,81", )
311.70 Euro

St. irmina of Öhren with book, church and crosier
(11,81", )
311.70 Euro

St. Irma
(7,87", )
195.00 Euro

St. Anastasia with book and sword
(7,87", )
241.10 Euro

St. Anastasia
(7,87", )
195.00 Euro

St. Stephan
(5,91", )
118.00 Euro

St. Stephen
(3,94", )
68.40 Euro

St. John with lamb
(15,75", )
1,109.00 Euro

(3,94", )
62.00 Euro

St. John
(4,72", )
92.00 Euro

St. John
(31,50", )
1,690.00 Euro

St.John Evangelist
(7,87", )
164.00 Euro

St. David
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Lothar
(7,87", )
190.00 Euro

St. Thomas Becket
(7,87", )
184.00 Euro

St. Thomas Becket
(4,72", )
105.00 Euro

St. Thomas Becket with sword
(5,91", )
98.70 Euro

St. Silvester with ox
(7,87", )
195.00 Euro