peregrine falcon

Art. P6013
€ 51,00 $ 50,94

Version: please select

Size: please select


The woodcarved peregrine falcon is available in many sizes, in the variants natural, stained three times and color. In the painted variant, you can perfectly recognize the main features of the bird: the dark top, the cream-colored underside, the black beard strip, which is sharply defined by the bright throat. The eye-rings and legs are yellow, the claws black. The wooden figure of the peregrine falcon is available in our online shop as well as in our woodcarving shop in St. Christina in Val Gardena.

The peregrine falcon is the most common bird in the world. He lives in all continents except Antarctica. Peregrine Falcons make their nests on rocks, since they mainly live in mountainous landscapes. In recent decades, however, they have also had to get used to new environments such as coasts and settlements. They eat almost exclusively small to medium-sized birds, which they hunt in the airspace.


Available versions and sizes:

natural Natural wood not treated
stained 3 col. Stained with at least 3 shades of color and treated with pastel paints
color Colored with oil paints and gilded with gold leaf