Kostner Nativity

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products found: 196
KO Nativity set 30 pcs  -  Alpine stable with lighting PE801660 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity set 30 pcs - Alpine stable with lighting (3,74", color) € 1.256,60 $ 1.255,22
KO Nativity Set 29 pcs.  -  stable Holy Night PE801663 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity Set 29 pcs. - stable Holy Night (3,74", color) € 983,00 $ 981,92
KO Nativity set 25 pcs  -  Alpine stable with lighting PE801658 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity set 25 pcs - Alpine stable with lighting (3,74", color) € 1.021,10 $ 1.019,98
KO Nativity Set 24 pcs.  -  stable Holy Night PE801667 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity Set 24 pcs. - stable Holy Night (3,74", color) € 857,30 $ 856,36
KO Nativity set 20 pcs  -  Alpine stable with lighting PE801656 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity set 20 pcs - Alpine stable with lighting (3,74", color) € 876,20 $ 875,24
KO Nativity set 18 pcs  -  stable Holy Night PE801664 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity set 18 pcs - stable Holy Night (3,74", color) € 665,70 $ 664,97
KO Nativity set 17 pcs  -  Alpine stable with lighting PE801654 (3,74", color)
KO Nativity set 17 pcs - Alpine stable with lighting (3,74", color) € 764,80 $ 763,96
KO Nativity set 15 pcs  -  stable Holy Night PE801662 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity set 15 pcs - stable Holy Night (3,15", color) € 483,00 $ 482,47
KO Nativity Set 14 pcs.  -  Stable Holy Night PE801661 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity Set 14 pcs. - Stable Holy Night (3,15", color) € 442,50 $ 442,01
KO Nativity set 10 pcs - stab.Tyrol PE801712 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity set 10 pcs - stab.Tyrol (3,15", color) € 289,10 $ 288,78
KO Nativity set 8 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam PE801702 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity set 8 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam (3,15", color) € 206,80 $ 206,57
KO Nativity set 7 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam PE801701 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity set 7 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam (3,15", color) € 174,80 $ 174,61
KO Nativity set 7 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam PE801704 (3,15", color)
KO Nativity set 7 pcs - stable Tyrol for H.Fam (3,15", color) € 178,50 $ 178,30
KO Nativity Set 7 pcs.  -  Lantern Holy Night PE801692 (4,72", color)
KO Nativity Set 7 pcs. - Lantern Holy Night (4,72", color) € 329,70 $ 329,34
KO Bench for Mary PE8010671 (3,15", color)
KO Bench for Mary (3,15", color) € 10,20 $ 10,19
KO H.Fam.Inf.Jesus - manger simple PE801503 (3,74", color)
KO H.Fam.Inf.Jesus - manger simple (3,74", color) € 103,60 $ 103,49
KO Holy Family Infant Jesus loose PE801502 (3,15", color)
KO Holy Family Infant Jesus loose (3,15", color) € 94,60 $ 94,50
KO Manger PE801006 (3,15", color)
KO Manger (3,15", color) € 11,70 $ 11,69
KO Manger simple PE801007 (3,15", color)
KO Manger simple (3,15", color) € 8,00 $ 7,99
KO Scripture for Mary PE8010672 (3,15", color)
KO Scripture for Mary (3,15", color) € 5,60 $ 5,59
KO St. Joseph PE801001 (3,15", color)
KO St. Joseph (3,15", color) € 36,10 $ 36,06
KO St. Joseph in search of shelte PE801062 (3,15", color)
KO St. Joseph in search of shelte (3,15", color) € 38,50 $ 38,46
KO St. Mary PE801002 (3,15", color)
KO St. Mary (3,15", color) € 36,10 $ 36,06
KO St. Mary with child PE801063 (3,15", color)
KO St. Mary with child (3,15", color) € 49,20 $ 49,15
KO St. Mary with scripture PE801067 (3,15", color)
KO St. Mary with scripture (3,15", color) € 44,10 $ 44,05
KO The Infant Jesus loose PE801005 (3,15", color)
KO The Infant Jesus loose (3,15", color) € 10,70 $ 10,69
KO The Infant Jesus loose with manger PE801004 (3,15", color)
KO The Infant Jesus loose with manger (3,15", color) € 22,40 $ 22,38
KO Angel pointing way PE801069 (3,15", color)
KO Angel pointing way (3,15", color) € 45,50 $ 45,45
KO Angel proclaiming Birth PE801068 (3,15", color)
KO Angel proclaiming Birth (3,15", color) € 45,50 $ 45,45
KO Donkey PE801012 (3,15", color)
KO Donkey (3,15", color) € 21,10 $ 21,08
KO Donkey,search of shelter - the flight PE801061 (3,15", color)
KO Donkey,search of shelter - the flight (3,15", color) € 21,80 $ 21,78
KO Gifts of the Three Kings PE801014 (3,74", color)
KO Gifts of the Three Kings (3,74", color) € 22,90 $ 22,87
KO Guardian angel with boy PE801071 (3,15", color)
KO Guardian angel with boy (3,15", color) € 46,00 $ 45,95
KO Guardian angel with girl PE801070 (3,15", color)
KO Guardian angel with girl (3,15", color) € 46,00 $ 45,95
KO King Balthazar PE801009 (3,15", color)
KO King Balthazar (3,15", color) € 43,60 $ 43,55
KO King Caspar PE801008 (3,15", color)
KO King Caspar (3,15", color) € 43,60 $ 43,55
KO King Melchior PE801010 (3,15", color)
KO King Melchior (3,15", color) € 43,60 $ 43,55
KO Ox lying and Donkey PE801512 (3,15", color)
KO Ox lying and Donkey (3,15", color) € 42,20 $ 42,15
KO Ox - lying PE801011 (3,15", color)
KO Ox - lying (3,15", color) € 21,10 $ 21,08
KO The Adoration of the Three Kings PE801542 (3,15", color)
KO The Adoration of the Three Kings (3,15", color) € 190,20 $ 189,99
KO The flight into Egypt PE801543 (3,15", color)
KO The flight into Egypt (3,15", color) € 109,50 $ 109,38
KO The Three Kings PE801511 (3,15", color)
KO The Three Kings (3,15", color) € 130,80 $ 130,66
KO Bench for shepherds PE801081 (3,15", color)
KO Bench for shepherds (3,15", color) € 10,90 $ 10,89
KO Boy milking PE801085 (3,15", color)
KO Boy milking (3,15", color) € 28,40 $ 28,37
KO Boy with bucket PE801030 (3,74", color)
KO Boy with bucket (3,74", color) € 41,40 $ 41,35
KO Boy with goat PE801016 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with goat (3,15", color) € 38,50 $ 38,46
KO Boy with sheep and lantern PE801015 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with sheep and lantern (3,15", color) € 38,50 $ 38,46
KO Boy with sheep in his arm PE801054 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with sheep in his arm (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Boy with spitz PE801076 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with spitz (3,15", color) € 31,20 $ 31,17
KO Boy with trumpet PE801072 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with trumpet (3,15", color) € 31,20 $ 31,17
KO Boy with well PE801055 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with well (3,15", color) € 38,70 $ 38,66
KO Boy with wheelbarrow PE801086 (3,15", color)
KO Boy with wheelbarrow (3,15", color) € 36,30 $ 36,26
KO Camel driver PE801026 (3,15", color)
KO Camel driver (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Camel driver kneeling - watercup PE801052 (3,74", color)
KO Camel driver kneeling - watercup (3,74", color) € 49,70 $ 49,65
KO Child for the flight into Egypt PE8010631 (3,15", color)
KO Child for the flight into Egypt (3,15", color) € 10,70 $ 10,69
KO Driver PE801050 (3,74", color)
KO Driver (3,74", color) € 49,70 $ 49,65
KO Elephant driver PE801051 (3,74", color)
KO Elephant driver (3,74", color) € 49,70 $ 49,65
KO Female water carrier PE801047 (3,15", color)
KO Female water carrier (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Female wood carrier PE801066 (3,15", color)
KO Female wood carrier (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Girl kneeling PE801028 (3,15", color)
KO Girl kneeling (3,15", color) € 27,70 $ 27,67
KO Gloria angel PE801037 (3,15", color)
KO Gloria angel (3,15", color) € 40,50 $ 40,46
KO Grandfather with pipe PE801090 (3,15", color)
KO Grandfather with pipe (3,15", color) € 33,20 $ 33,16
KO Grandmother PE801089 (3,15", color)
KO Grandmother (3,15", color) € 33,20 $ 33,16
KO Grandparents on bench PE8010901 (3,15", color)
KO Grandparents on bench (3,15", color) € 77,30 $ 77,21
KO In search of shelter PE801541 (3,15", color)
KO In search of shelter (3,15", color) € 147,50 $ 147,34
KO Innkeeper PE801064 (3,15", color)
KO Innkeeper (3,15", color) € 43,10 $ 43,05
KO Laundress PE801025 (3,15", color)
KO Laundress (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Pair of angels PE801024 (3,74", color)
KO Pair of angels (3,74", color) € 25,50 $ 25,47
KO Pair of children PE801027 (3,15", color)
KO Pair of children (3,15", color) € 37,00 $ 36,96
KO Roman soldier PE801088 (3,15", color)
KO Roman soldier (3,15", color) € 44,90 $ 44,85
KO Shepherd PE801059 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shepherd at the camp - fire PE801036 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd at the camp - fire (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd kneeling with 2 lambs PE801034 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd kneeling with 2 lambs (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd kneeling with sheep PE801038 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd kneeling with sheep (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd lying PE801058 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd lying (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd sheep shoulder PE801084 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd sheep shoulder (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd sitting with sheep PE801082 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd sitting with sheep (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd sitting - pointing PE801080 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd sitting - pointing (3,15", color) € 38,50 $ 38,46
KO Shepherd with 2 goats PE801057 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with 2 goats (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shepherd with 2 sheep PE801046 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with 2 sheep (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shepherd with feeding PE801033 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with feeding (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd with girl and rabbit PE801048 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with girl and rabbit (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shepherd with horn PE801078 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with horn (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd with milk can PE801020 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with milk can (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherd with sheep PE801035 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with sheep (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shepherd with wood PE801087 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd with wood (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherdess for well PE801031 (3,74", color)
KO Shepherdess for well (3,74", color) € 49,70 $ 49,65
KO Shepherdess sitting with child PE801018 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherdess sitting with child (3,15", color) € 38,50 $ 38,46
KO Shepherdess with boy PE801017 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherdess with boy (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherdess with butter churn PE801021 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherdess with butter churn (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Shepherdess with girl PE801083 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherdess with girl (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO Shingles splitter PE801023 (3,15", color)
KO Shingles splitter (3,15", color) € 41,80 $ 41,75
KO The Annunciation PE801540 (3,15", color)
KO The Annunciation (3,15", color) € 99,80 $ 99,69
KO Woodcutter PE801022 (3,15", color)
KO Woodcutter (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Billy goat PE801210 (3,15", color)
KO Billy goat (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Calf PE801043 (3,15", color)
KO Calf (3,15", color) € 18,50 $ 18,48
KO Camel PE801170 (3,15", color)
KO Camel (3,15", color) € 44,90 $ 44,85
KO Camel lying PE801172 (3,15", color)
KO Camel lying (3,15", color) € 36,30 $ 36,26
KO Camel with luggage PE801171 (3,15", color)
KO Camel with luggage (3,15", color) € 47,70 $ 47,65
KO Camp fire PE801098 (3,15", color)
KO Camp fire (3,15", color) € 12,10 $ 12,09
KO Cart PE801189 (3,74", color)
KO Cart (3,74", color) € 31,20 $ 31,17
KO Cat PE801162 (3,74", color)
KO Cat (3,74", color) € 6,40 $ 6,39
KO Cat standing PE801163 (3,74", color)
KO Cat standing (3,74", color) € 9,50 $ 9,49
KO Comet PE801099 (3,15", color)
KO Comet (3,15", color) € 10,20 $ 10,19
KO Cow grazing PE801045 (3,15", color)
KO Cow grazing (3,15", color) € 28,20 $ 28,17
KO Cow looking forward PE801042 (3,15", color)
KO Cow looking forward (3,15", color) € 28,20 $ 28,17
KO Cow looking right PE801041 (3,15", color)
KO Cow looking right (3,15", color) € 28,20 $ 28,17
KO Deer PE801178 (3,15", color)
KO Deer (3,15", color) € 29,50 $ 29,47
KO Donkey for cart PE801188 (3,74", color)
KO Donkey for cart (3,74", color) € 28,80 $ 28,77
KO Donkey with cart PE801187 (3,74", color)
KO Donkey with cart (3,74", color) € 60,00 $ 59,93
KO Donkey with wood PE801185 (3,74", color)
KO Donkey with wood (3,74", color) € 37,40 $ 37,36
KO Dove PE801165 (3,74", color)
KO Dove (3,74", color) € 8,00 $ 7,99
KO Dove + aura PE801101 (3,74", color)
KO Dove + aura (3,74", color) € 19,40 $ 19,38
KO Duck swimming left PE801169 (3,15", color)
KO Duck swimming left (3,15", color) € 8,00 $ 7,99
KO Duck swimming right PE801168 (3,15", color)
KO Duck swimming right (3,15", color) € 8,00 $ 7,99
KO Elephant PE801181 (3,15", color)
KO Elephant (3,15", color) € 58,10 $ 58,04
KO Elephant with luggage PE801180 (3,74", color)
KO Elephant with luggage (3,74", color) € 109,10 $ 108,98
KO Farmer PE801044 (3,15", color)
KO Farmer (3,15", color) € 39,40 $ 39,36
KO Fox PE801179 (3,15", color)
KO Fox (3,15", color) € 12,10 $ 12,09
KO German shepherd PE801157 (3,15", color)
KO German shepherd (3,15", color) € 14,30 $ 14,28
KO Goat grazing looking right PE801193 (3,15", color)
KO Goat grazing looking right (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat head up PE801192 (3,15", color)
KO Goat head up (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat lying PE801196 (3,15", color)
KO Goat lying (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat lying with 2 kids PE801199 (3,15", color)
KO Goat lying with 2 kids (3,15", color) € 15,70 $ 15,68
KO Goat short hair PE801198 (3,15", color)
KO Goat short hair (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat with bell looking left PE801197 (3,15", color)
KO Goat with bell looking left (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat with bell looking right PE801215 (3,15", color)
KO Goat with bell looking right (3,15", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Goat with kid PE801194 (3,15", color)
KO Goat with kid (3,15", color) € 15,70 $ 15,68
KO Group of ducks with jug PE801167 (3,74", color)
KO Group of ducks with jug (3,74", color) € 21,80 $ 21,78
KO Group of geese PE801164 (3,74", color)
KO Group of geese (3,74", color) € 21,80 $ 21,78
KO Group of lambs PE801289 (3,15", color)
KO Group of lambs (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Group of lambs black PE801289S (3,15", color)
KO Group of lambs black (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Group of rabbits PE801160 (3,74", color)
KO Group of rabbits (3,74", color) € 13,30 $ 13,29
KO Group of sheep PE801276 (3,15", color)
KO Group of sheep (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Group of sheep black PE801276S (3,15", color)
KO Group of sheep black (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Hedgehog PE801161 (3,15", color)
KO Hedgehog (3,15", color) € 6,80 $ 6,79
KO Hen eating PE801123 (3,74", color)
KO Hen eating (3,74", color) € 10,90 $ 10,89
KO Hen sitting PE801124 (3,74", color)
KO Hen sitting (3,74", color) € 10,90 $ 10,89
KO Hen standing PE801122 (3,74", color)
KO Hen standing (3,74", color) € 10,90 $ 10,89
KO Horse PE801176 (3,74", color)
KO Horse (3,74", color) € 57,90 $ 57,84
KO Kid PE801190 (3,74", color)
KO Kid (3,74", color) € 10,40 $ 10,39
KO Kid lying PE801195 (3,74", color)
KO Kid lying (3,74", color) € 10,40 $ 10,39
KO Lamb black jumping PE801284S (0,00", ?)
KO Lamb black jumping (0,00", ?) € 13,40 $ 13,39
KO Lamb black lying looking left PE801282S (3,15", color)
KO Lamb black lying looking left (3,15", color) € 8,50 $ 8,49
KO Lamb black standing PE801286S (3,15", color)
KO Lamb black standing (3,15", color) € 10,00 $ 9,99
KO Lamb jumping PE801284 (3,74", color)
KO Lamb jumping (3,74", color) € 15,50 $ 15,48
KO Lamb lying looking left PE801282 (3,15", color)
KO Lamb lying looking left (3,15", color) € 8,50 $ 8,49
KO Lamb standing PE801286 (3,15", color)
KO Lamb standing (3,15", color) € 10,00 $ 9,99
KO Luggage for elephant PE801182 (3,74", color)
KO Luggage for elephant (3,74", color) € 35,20 $ 35,16
KO Pair of doves PE801166 (3,74", color)
KO Pair of doves (3,74", color) € 16,90 $ 16,88
KO Pair of kids PE801191 (3,74", color)
KO Pair of kids (3,74", color) € 14,50 $ 14,48
KO Pig PE801105 (3,74", color)
KO Pig (3,74", color) € 16,70 $ 16,68
KO Piglet lying PE801104 (3,74", color)
KO Piglet lying (3,74", color) € 11,20 $ 11,19
KO Piglet standing PE801103 (3,74", color)
KO Piglet standing (3,74", color) € 11,20 $ 11,19
KO Ram black looking left PE801119S (3,15", color)
KO Ram black looking left (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Ram black looking right PE801120S (3,15", color)
KO Ram black looking right (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Ram black with bucket PE801118S (3,15", color)
KO Ram black with bucket (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Ram looking left PE801119 (3,15", color)
KO Ram looking left (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Ram looking right PE801120 (3,15", color)
KO Ram looking right (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Ram with bucket PE801118 (3,15", color)
KO Ram with bucket (3,15", color) € 16,10 $ 16,08
KO Rooster PE801121 (3,74", color)
KO Rooster (3,74", color) € 10,90 $ 10,89
KO Sheep black eating head up PE801254S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black eating head up (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black going with bell PE801258S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black going with bell (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black grazing looking left PE801256S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black grazing looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black grazing looking right PE801257S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black grazing looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black grazing with lamb PE801274S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black grazing with lamb (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Sheep black kneeling PE801267S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black kneeling (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black lying looking left PE801252S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black lying looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black lying looking right PE801253S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black lying looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black lying with lamb PE801272S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black lying with lamb (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Sheep black scratching PE801266S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black scratching (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black standing head up PE801259S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black standing head up (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black standing looking forward PE801260S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black standing looking forward (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black standing looking left PE801261S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black standing looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black standing looking right PE801262S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black standing looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black standing with bell PE801264S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black standing with bell (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep black with lamb standing PE801279S (3,15", color)
KO Sheep black with lamb standing (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Sheep eating head up PE801254 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep eating head up (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep going with bell PE801258 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep going with bell (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep grazing looking left PE801256 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep grazing looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep grazing looking right PE801257 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep grazing looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep grazing with lamb PE801274 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep grazing with lamb (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Sheep kneeling PE801267 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep kneeling (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep lying looking left PE801252 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep lying looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep lying looking right PE801253 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep lying looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep lying with lamb PE801272 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep lying with lamb (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Sheep scratching PE801266 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep scratching (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep standing head up PE801259 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep standing head up (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep standing looking forward PE801260 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep standing looking forward (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep standing looking left PE801261 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep standing looking left (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep standing looking right PE801262 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep standing looking right (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep standing with bell PE801264 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep standing with bell (3,15", color) € 13,90 $ 13,88
KO Sheep with lamb standing PE801279 (3,15", color)
KO Sheep with lamb standing (3,15", color) € 16,30 $ 16,28
KO Shepherd dog PE801158 (3,15", color)
KO Shepherd dog (3,15", color) € 12,60 $ 12,59
KO Spitz PE801156 (3,15", color)
KO Spitz (3,15", color) € 8,50 $ 8,49
KO Well PE801097 (3,74", color)
KO Well (3,74", color) € 30,80 $ 30,77

The Kostner nativity scene is a classic, woodcarved Christmas nativity scene realized in Val Gardena. The nativity figures of the Kostner Nativity are very expressive. With this nativity scene, several scenes can be set up, starting with the announcement with the Angel and Maria, to the Search for shelter with Josef, Maria sitting on the donkey and the host; from the birth of Jesus to the adoration of the 3 Kings. This extensive nativity set is available in many sizes and is therefore ideal for small and large nativity landscapes. Let yourself be convinced by these beautiful, traditional nativity figures.